Holy Cross Day Evensong & Baptism

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Saturday, 14 September, 2024

A parish celebration!

3:00 p.m. Choral Evensong & Holy Baptism
(In-person only)

Prelude: Intermezzo, Seven Sketches – Percy Whitlock (1934)
Responses: William Smith (c. 1603-1645)
Nunc Dimittis: Charles Wood (1927)
Anthem: Salve, Regina
Motet: Rise up, my love, my fair one – Healey Willan (1929)
Postlude: Improvisation – Fr David Smith

Celebrant & Preacher: The Father Vicar

Sung by:
Margaret Cormier, Olivia Zhang (Sopranos)
Rebecca Claborn, Loralie Vancourt (Altos)
Jamie Tuttle, Nicholas Nicolaidis (Tenors)
Bryan Martin, Jesse Billet (Basses)

Cantrix: Katherine Hill
Parish Organist: Fr David Smith

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O BLESSED Saviour, who by thy cross and passion hast given life unto the world: Grant that we thy servants may be given grace to take up the cross and follow thee through life and death; whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit we worship and glorify, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Holy Cross Day Evensong & Baptism