Individual members of the parish participate in a number of Anglican devotional societies. For information about these societies and their role in parish life, speak to Father Hannam. (Scroll down to learn more).
Upcoming Meetings:
- Wednesday, 26 March, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. | Guild of All Souls | Vespers of the Dead at S. Bart’s
Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
Founded in 1862 to honour the Presence of Our Lord in the Sacrament and to promote appropriate preparation and devotion to the Holy Eucharist, the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament promotes careful attention to Preparation before and Thanksgiving after, every Communion. Its members are encouraged to make one or more of the following at every Eucharistic celebration they are part of: Acts of Faith, of Adoration, of Spiritual Communion, of Thanksgiving, of Reparation, of Intercession, of Prayer for the Visible Unity of the Church. The membership consists of Bishops, Priests, Deacon and Communicants of both sexes who are practicing Catholics and members of, or in communion with the Episcopal Church and concur with the Objects Rules, Recommendations and Laws of the Confraternity. Members of the Confraternity at S. Bart’s are currently in the earliest stages of reorganising the S. Bart’s Cell, which ceased to exist sometime after the death of Father Pashler, under the aegis of the American Branch.
Our Lady of Walsingham
There is renewed interest in re-founding the parish cell of Our Lady of Walsingham, which went into abeyance after the death of Father Pashler. Like the parish ward of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, we are in the process of re-founding this organisation, which was once an important stimulus to devotion and sound doctrine in our parish. A cell of Our Lady of Walsingham would mean a formal tie with the Holy House and Shrine at Walsingham, Norfolk, the foremost Marian shrine in the Anglican World, and our Shrine would be listed as amongst affiliated shrines.
Guild of All Souls
This organization places pre-eminence in personal piety and devotion. The principal objective of the Guild is to promote the Church’s teaching of intercessory prayer for the dying and for the repose of the souls of the departed. For the date and place of the Guild’s annual meeting and Mass and for other information, please check the weekly announcements or speak to Father Hannam.
The S. Bartholomew’s Branch of the Guild (under the patronage of Our Lady of Solitude and S. Dismas) holds devotions on a periodic basis. These devotions include the Rosary For the Dead, the Litany For the Faithful Departed, and the Office For the Dead. The Parish Guild always meets for these devotions during Lent and Advent and on All Souls Day as well as other times of the year. The annual Guild Requiem is celebrated in the month of November.
Society of Mary
Founded as an Anglican society to love and honour Mary, the society is dedicated to the glory of God in ‘honour of the Holy Incarnation under the invocation of Our Lady, Help of Christians’. Originally founded in England, the society’s membership is world wide. Parishioners of S. Bartholomew’s are members of the Toronto Ward. S. Bartholomew’s hosts a Solemn Mass and May Procession and Crowning each year as part of the Toronto May Festival of Mary.
Society of King Charles the Martyr
Founded in 1894 as ‘a Church Defence Union under the banner of the Martyr-King’, SKCM’s initial prime objective was ‘intercessory prayer for the defence of the Church of England against the attacks of her enemies’. Since its founding the work and objectives of the Society have broadened into a wider devotional society with its continuance in the tradition of Catholic Anglicanism. Members of SKCM at S. Bart’s, whose principle activity is the planning and worship and fellowship on the Feast of the White King, are under the aegis of the American Region.