
The S. Bart’s Choir

The choir, under the direction of Katherine Hill, sings at Sunday mass throughout the year, as well as at other feasts and services, including Christmas eve, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Corpus Christi and Ascension Day. This dedicated group of nine volunteers, aged 17-73, sings a wide range of music for liturgy, including Gregorian chant and polyphony of the 14th to 16th centuries, as well as a wide variety of later repertoire (English Cathedral and Collegiate music, Sacred Harp, Eastern Orthodox hymns, Baroque motets, new compositions, and motets and mass settings by Healey Willan). Music for liturgy is regularly enhanced by instrumentalists from the ranks of the choir, playing recorder, viola da gamba, trumpet and medieval fiddle. We are always happy to welcome new members.

Please contact the choir director through the office for more information.