Contemplative Prayer Group

Cor ad cor loquitur

(Heart Speaketh to Heart)

Saturdays, continuing through Summer 2024
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

The foundation of the spiritual life is prayer; the way that leads to progressive co-operation and union with God is mental prayer, passing into contemplative prayer. The Saturday morning prayer hour is both a practical introduction to passing from vocal prayer, through lectio divina, to prayer of stillness, and also the perfect preparation for hearing the Saturday Mass and making a recollected communion. We begin at 10 o’clock with Terce (The third hour of the traditional Daily Office — 10-12 minutes), followed by a guided lectio divina of a short patristic writing on prayer (10 minutes). The hour concludes with half an hour of silent, monologic prayer, or prayer of the heart. Those who wish to stay for the Saturday Mass are encouraged to do so.

Contemplative Prayer Group